Thailand: 5 Years & Counting – What Have I Learned?

When I first landed, I was astounded by the humidity.  Yes, I had come here once before, but the humidity wasn’t at this magnitude.  Being in Sukhumvit in May is like being in a damn oven – filled with stenches beyond this planet.

I recall meeting up with a teacher — at Platinum Mall in Ratchthewi — and I knew I was going to be in for a mess.  Her energy was some of the worst I have ever seen TO THIS DAY! What she said about Thai people (although she’s Thai), how she spoke to me, and how vindictively malicious she was….unlike anything I’ve ever seen.  I can go back to my first job in Melbourne, Australia — and first job in Sydney, Australia — both unbelievably bad.  Terrible bosses, relentless dentists, and drove me to insanity.

So, coming here I already had some experience.  Getting a stomach bug for the first 6 weeks before getting a shipment of Herbalife was a kilogram dropper.  That’s right.  I lost probably 5KG, eating what was a black egg (not smart at all…I know).

Anyways, I can go all the way to the south of Thailand and tell you about one of the worst experiences I had, and trek all the way up to a northern province called Ang Thong, a place I stayed for only 2 weeks because I knew the racial tensions were evident.

The biggest thing I’ve learned about this entire process has been….purpose.  Why did I come here to Thailand to begin with? Why did I continue to remain in a country that wasn’t and still isn’t particularly fond of colored people? Yes, the tides have completely changed and I see the love everywhere, but that wasn’t the case for almost 3 years.

How did I end up developing an inspirational podcast, website, YouTube videos, and so many other things that has brought me a lot of notoriety in the self-improvement and educational realm? Was this my intention to begin with? No.

Thailand, coming up on the 5th year, has taught me to never give up.  In the wake of so much racial discrimination, to having bosses (currently) who wants to see me fail.  I now know what my true self-worth is compared to years past.  When everything went down the way it did a month ago, I immediately told myself, “everything this man is saying right now is a thought form about his monolithic perception of African Americans.  None of it has to do with you, Arsenio.  However, you don’t deserve this….and my mental capacity doesn’t, either.  Could you please start applying for jobs elsewhere so you can discover more?”….

……that’s what I exactly did.

A new job, 6 projects, wonderful people, gorgeous new area of living, etc.

Don’t take the bull*hit from people.  When you’re being disrespected, become a lawyer.  List out everything that had happened up until that point and then make a decision.  Become a “crime solver” and have fun with it.  Don’t let the negative suggestions of others dictate your life.

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