The Truth About Affirmations

One of my students said earlier, "why do you always say you're handsome? That you eat alone? That you love yourself?" I retorted in the grandest of fashions - stating the hate opinions I've received that formulated a pseudo reality that I wasn't able to escape from for several years. The pain, which I've talked... Continue Reading →

I’m Not BLACK & You’re Not WHITE.

Let that phrase sink in it bit.  We have been conditioned and categorized our entire lives like a damn canned food item at our local food market.  Labels - such as disabled, black, white, muslim, buddhist, liberal, conservative....all of which has divided this world completely over the last...150 years? Maybe? Let's say you came out the womb... Continue Reading →

Life Begins At The End of Your Comfort Zone

Track & Field in high school Those 200m, 300m, and 400m intervals that made me feel faint, dizzy, legs burning, and wanting to throw up after practice everyday were grueling.  As an athlete, these days, including heels and bleachers, are the days we dread.  The days I used to dread.  However, little did I know... Continue Reading →

Taking A Leap Can Transform Your Life

Chanthaburi, Thailand was a place that left me exasperated by the end of everyday because of the mistreatment not only at my school, but also around the entire town.  The grotesque stares from Thai people which was soul-crushing, the boss who threatened to fire me at any given time because she was power hungry, the colleague... Continue Reading →

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