Evaluating My Spartan Score

So I was practically top 25%, and almost 20%, in all categories.  If I look at the time, it's not that good.  I don't know exactly what happened during the race, but the obviously made it to be very difficult for attaining a good time.  I think I completed my Spartan Sprint last year in... Continue Reading →

Spartan Race Looming Large!

This will be the first ever Spartan Race in Chon Buri, Thailand and I'm not even worried.  For the most part, there's a huge underestimation of the race happening within my mind that will sneak up on me. Malaysia Was A Rude Awakening I thought the Spartan Super in Kuala Lumpur was going to be... Continue Reading →

Can You Physically Prepare For Sufferfests?

What is a sufferfest? This is basically  your household Spartan Races (although they're much funner), Tough Mudders (notable obstacles: Arctic Enema & Electro Shock Therapy); and then there are the upper echelon sufferfests.  I'm talking about the marathons, ironmans, ultra-marathons, anything that involves you pushing yourself, like Amelia Boone does, to the absolute limit. Amelia... Continue Reading →

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